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January 29th - 

Exodus 34-36

Step #1 - LISTEN to the Scriptures (you can READ along, too, if you click on Scriptures Doc below or with your own Bible. I suggest listening & pausing to take notes in your journal, or even in the Scriptures Doc. Bingo! :)

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Step #2 - LISTEN to Commentary

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Step #3 - Stop & PRAY, asking God to speak to you and give you the power of the Holy Spirit to help you write the Scriptures you just listened to / read on your heart, giving you HIS divine revelation & wisdom into the deeper meanings. 

Step #4 - REVIEW & study - as time permits - additional support and research we will have here to further help explain today's Scriptures. And if you have anything you think would be helpful, attach it below or contact us and we will review and happily share here.

1. Love this Indian guy giving us a quick devotional about "moses skin shone when he talked to God." Do not be discouraged! And make time to talk with God today! Precious!!!! Love his prayer!! 

2. A second video talking about how Moses' face shined so much after talking with God, that the people made him put a veil on! Love so much of what this guy says about what it spiritually represents for us and the foreshadowing to events in End Times. Haven't studied in depth, but will, so put here for us all to study and discuss and go deep.

3. Love this tour of the Tabernacle and the  description of the spiritual significance and fulfillment in Jesus! 

4. Today's Scriptures talk about the Sabbath rest and the importance of it and that on  3 of the Lord's Feasts of 7 that we will learn about in Leviticus 23, the Jews were to TRAVEL to Jerusalem to celebrate them in community in the Temple. 

Because I talk about this later in the year and today had so much to cover, I did not go into detail in the commentary, but it is soooo important and critical to End Times and understanding that we are only in January and every day has given us prophetic messages for the future, the End. 

The Sabbath rest and the 3 Feasts mentioned today are going to be celebrated in the Millennium Kingdom (Revelation 20) - the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth in Jerusalem as King of the Jews and the Prince of Peace, while Satan and the demons are bound before the final and last great battle and the earth is destroyed and the New Heaven and the New Earth come down and we are back in the presence of God forever. So there are only a total of 7,000 years of human history from Day 1 of Creation until we are back in Paradise with God forever and ever.

I mentioned this in Genesis but this again confirms it that the Jews believe - and I believe - that God has given mankind 6,000 years to control the earth and believe!!! This is the amount of time God has given until the "number of Gentiles is complete." (Romans 11) And so He not only gives us weekly rest from toil, but will give us 1000 years of rest from Satan and evil to be with Jesus - the promised reigning King of Israel - during the Millennium. May be confusing, but just watch this video and keep it in the back of your mind, as you continue to go on this amazing journey of learning God's true story for mankind. So so good!!! Praise you, Father!!! 

Step #5 - DISCUSS the Scriptures with the World - by telling us what you love & agree with, what you disagree with, any questions you have that we would be happy to answer, how it is changing your life, personal testimony, etc. 

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