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January 24th - 

Exodus 19-21

Step #1 - LISTEN to the Scriptures (you can READ along, too, if you click on Scriptures Doc below or with your own Bible. I suggest listening & pausing to take notes in your journal, or even in the Scriptures Doc. Bingo! :)

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Step #2 - LISTEN to Commentary

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Step #3 - Stop & PRAY, asking God to speak to you and give you the power of the Holy Spirit to help you write the Scriptures you just listened to / read on your heart, giving you HIS divine revelation & wisdom into the deeper meanings. 

Step #4 - REVIEW & study - as time permits - additional support and research we will have here to further help explain today's Scriptures. And if you have anything you think would be helpful, attach it below or contact us and we will review and happily share here.

1. Great video on Finding Mount Sinai - called the Mountain of God because it is where Moses went up and received all the first 5 books of the Bible and spoke with God. 

2. Love, love this guy & this video is so spot on and what I teach and believe! Does God support slavery in the Bible? 

3. Using the exact same Scriptures - Exodus 20, THREE (3) different lists are used by the Jews, Catholics & Protestants.  Here is the Protestant version as I read above in Scripture & also have clearly marked in the written Scriptures Doc above. But I will give them to you here: 

1. You shall have no other gods before me. 

2.  You shall not make for yourself an idol in any form ...

3.  You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God...

4.  Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. 6 days work & rest on 7th...

5.  Honor your mother and father, so that you may live a long life in the land...

6.  You shall not murder

7.  You shall not commit adultery.

8.  You shall not steal.

9.   You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. 

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house or wife or servants or ox or ....

As you will see in the videos below, the Catholics Combine 1 & 2, which we protestants think they did because the Church absolutely sold idols and statues and indulgences and rosaries, etc. to people for money and so they wanted to hide #2 in with no other gods, to take the power out of what they were doing with idol worship. They also worship the statue of Mary, etc. To get 10, they do something different, as you will see below. :) 

The Jews thought it was important to emphasize the fact that God is God and so they start with Exodus 20:2 as their no. 1. 

Watch the videos below to hear the differing opinions and let's discuss in the commentaries below. The POINT is - the Scriptures remain the same and we are to OBEY THEM TODAY, so let's err on the side of obeying the ENTIRE list in DETAIL and honor God with our all.

3. Dennis Prager, from Prager U gives us these amazing videos on The Ten Commandments, from a Jewish perspective. He is a very Conservative Jew fighting for the rights of Jews & Christians & I support his ministry financially as they are currently suing Google & Youtube for unfairly & illegally banning & censoring Jewish & Christian content. These videos are excellent & well done, and he makes a huge case that the world would be so different if we honored them & all served & believed in the One True God. Love that there are TEN (10) - again showing God's perfect order. Memorize them by looking at your hands daily - given 10 fingers for a reason :) - and then see how Jesus takes what Moses gives to the DEEPER level in Matthew 5. We are not off the hook from obeying them under the New Covenant, but Jesus gives us even more responsibility that murder, adultery, etc. begins in the MIND & HEART way before it is actually carried out. 

Step #5 - DISCUSS the Scriptures with the World - by telling us what you love & agree with, what you disagree with, any questions you have that we would be happy to answer, how it is changing your life, personal testimony, etc. 

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