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January 11th - 

Genesis 31-33

Step #1 - LISTEN to the Scriptures (you can READ along, too, if you click on Scriptures Doc below or with your own Bible. I suggest listening & pausing to take notes in your journal, or even in the Scriptures Doc. Bingo! :)

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Step #2 - LISTEN to Commentary

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Step #3 - Stop & PRAY, asking God to speak to you and give you the power of the Holy Spirit to help you write the Scriptures you just listened to / read on your heart, giving you HIS divine revelation & wisdom into the deeper meanings. 

Step #4 - REVIEW & study - as time permits - additional support and research we will have here to further help explain today's Scriptures. And if you have anything you think would be helpful, attach it below or contact us and we will review and happily share here.

1. Jordan Peterson - an Intellect and Psychologist gives us an interesting perspective on what Jacob wrestling with God means for us. 

2. Good article from on why God gives us New Names

3. Some Jewish history or explanations on why Rachel would have stolen her father's household gods. What do you think? Again, why Israel has been persecuted for 1000s of years is because they listen to rabbi's and tradition and stories and they make up stories that make them look good. 

Step #5 - DISCUSS the Scriptures with the World - by telling us what you love & agree with, what you disagree with, any questions you have that we would be happy to answer, how it is changing your life, personal testimony, etc. 

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