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 How We Would Love this to Work

the Bible in a YearTM  is God's greatest gift to me and an answer to my deepest desire. WHY? Because it has helped me to read the Bible straight through from Genesis to Revelation in one year, every year for 20+ years in a row, which has led me to not only know but fall deeply in love with God and understand His plan for me and humanity, how and why it all began, and how and why it will all end, and so much more I cannot wait to share together as you go on this exciting and life-changing journey with me! 

And because God's love letter has set me free and given me peace, joy and wisdom, despite circumstances, that the world cannot give nor can it take away, of course I want to share all of this goodness, wisdom and love with the rest of the world. I would be unloving if I kept this priceless gift and all of the answers to life from each of you.


The entire World reading the BIBLE - the SAME SCRIPTURES ON THE SAME DAY - everyday, and finishing it in ONE YEAR and discussing all of the details together in ONE PLACE!!! And then doing it every year for the rest of our lives until Christ comes back and takes us to our true home! Truly heaven on earth! 

So, join me and all of my friends and make this girl's greatest dream come true! And let's listen, learn and grow together to be all that God created us to be! And even if you don't believe, at least read it straight through with us for ONE YEAR, and then you can fully understand what those crazy Christians believe and why! Wisdom, not knowledge, is power so get it while you can. 

I believe the days ahead - the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ - were prophesied in the Bible 1000s of years ago and will come to fulfillment in our lifetime. So, the time is NOW!

I am giddy with excitement and passion to share what I have learned as I have studied each day's reading and the Scriptures for over 20 years, AND I want to learn from YOU! That is what God intended - each of us sharpening and teaching each other, to take us deeper into the mysteries and revelations in His Word! Why? So we have more head knowledge? Absolutely not!!! So, we fall more in love with HIM and know HE is enough and loves us beyond measure and has a plan to redeem this fallen world and fallen man so that those who BELIEVE will be reunited back with the ONE TRUE GOD in paradise for eternity! 

Absolutely jumping out of my skin with pure joy to learn, live and love the Bible with YOU and the rest of the WORLD! And discuss DAILY with you what we are learning, the wisdom we are gleaning and how lives are being transformed for eternity because we are falling more in love with our Maker, together! And then going out and shining our lights bright and making disciples of ALL of the nations!!! Amen? Amen!!! 

Please listen to the below to get the down low on how we will do this AND then let me and the world know you are part of the BIBLE in a YEAR family!!! 

With great love & respect - 

Patrice xo

Listen to more details on HOW & WHY

How the BIAY should work -
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Jesus Himself gave us the Great Commandment  & the Great Commission

The Great Commandment:

"Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them an expert in the law, tested Him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: 'Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul & with all of your mind. This is the first & the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law & the Prophets hang on these two commandments." - Matthew 22:34-40

The Great Commission:

"Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain were Jesus had told them to go. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven & on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go & make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:16-20

This, my friends, is why we

learn, live, love & go teach 

the Bible in a YearTM  !!!

I love this guy so much!!! He is Biblically based & speaks my heart like few others - Joe, keep preachin' it boldly & truthfully!!! You can't be a Christian without a love & hunger for God's Word = THE BIBLE!!! The WORD is JESUS and JESUS is the WORD!

Be sure to REFRESH the website everytime you open so you have the latest & greatest on your SAVED PAGE,  as we will constantly be adding more & more content

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Let us know you are in! Yay, I am in!!!

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